- We recommend that your luggage have external identification labels that list your name, business address, telephone contact, destination and airline. Do not include a personal address on the outside of your luggage.
- Lock all baggage to prevent theft.
- Because many bags look similar, some travelers make their bag identifiable by fastening a colorful sticker or piece of bright tape to it.
- To avoid spillage, all plastic bottles should be placed in separate sealed bags.
- In case your checked baggage becomes lost, be sure to have one or two days' change of clothing in your carry-on bag.
- Make a list of the contents of your checked bags and the value of these items.
- Never pack anything in your checked baggage that cannot be replaced. For example:
- Medicine
- Valuables
- Money
- Jewelry
- Business papers
- Keys
- Cameras
- Laptop computers
- Passports
- Airline tickets
- Breakable items
- Compressed gasses
- Heirlooms
The information above is provided as a service and any details and/or industry rules and regulations are subject to change at any time. Please contact your friendly National Travel travel agent with any questions.